Testimonials & Case Studies

Case Study 1 - Strategic Planning & Project Management

Table summarizing a business plan with columns: Goals, Context, Options, Results, How, What. Describes launching a business, the need for efficient processes, hiring help, achieving success with Dan’s support, implementing work sessions, frameworks, and a digital management system, costing $5,000 for three months of support.

“Dan is someone you want in your corner. He is passionate, dedicated and thoughtful and has a unique ability to transform abstract/creative ideas into realistic and actionable plans. His approach has been instrumental for the growth of my company and I am looking forward to utilizing him in the future.”

Kristen Cronyn, Owner of Meet & Eat Charcuterie

Headshot of Kristen Cronyn, business owner, who said after working with Dan that he has a unique ability to transform creative/abstract ideas into tangible results.

Case Study 2 - Operations Workflow

A table outlining a business process workflow. Columns are labeled as Goals, Context, Options, Results, "How," and "What." The content describes a scenario involving client management, rapid business expansion, the use of Asana, and hiring a virtual assistant. Results include improved business order and staff training. The strategies involve understanding client workflow and digitizing processes, with associated costs detailed at $1,700.

"Dan has an incredible gift for making a vision into a strategy, and that strategy into reality. He helped me bring order into the chaos of my rapidly growing business and helped train staff in the new system we created. He created so much capacity for me and I can see me and my team working with him as we continue to grow."

Grace Manley, Owner & Executive Coach at With Grace Coaching

Headshot of Grace Manley, business owner, who said Dan created so much capacity for her in their time working together.

Case Study 3 - Coaching

Coaching program table outlining goals, context, options, results, methods, and sessions. Goals include improving well-being; options are therapy and podcasts. Results cover moving from internal conflicts. Methods involve one-on-one coaching. Sessions include five coaching interactions with a $500 investment.

"I felt incapable, and at times torn between priorities in life and business - and that was a source of constant anxiety. Dan showed me processes and action plans that helped me re-frame my thoughts and produce useful business results and decisions. He also helped me become more comfortable in areas such as customer discovery, which is foreign to a technical person like me. I highly recommend Dan if you need help in getting started with your goals."

Dan Peng, Founder of Ymapper and Automated Systems Engineer at PCB Piezotronics

Portrait of Dan Peng, business owner and technical professional, who said Dan Greco helped him overcome anxieties while helping him achieve business results.
Headshot of Chris Eglin, professional at Rich Products, who said after working with Dan that it felt like a weight had been lifted off.

Chris Eglin, Project Manager at Rich Products Corporation

“Dan has extraordinary communication and analytical skills. I believe this allowed him to tailor our interaction in a way that was very effective and felt incredibly personalized. I had goals around making something of the creative writing I’ve been doing outside of my day job that I was not at all moving towards. I would sit there thinking, ‘Where do I start? Where do I start?’

Dan helped me get above that haze and fog clouding my ability to move forward. We worked back from the big picture to focus on the smaller building blocks that would lead to the apparently out-of-reach ultimate goal. He helped me realize, “Hey, here is a clear path towards my goal, with very executable components.” It felt as if a weight had been taken off.

He influenced me to lay out each of the next steps I could take and after a couple sessions, it was very clear that this was repeatable: I could lay out small, achievable goals on the way to my larger goal.”

Patty Kramer, smiling in her professional headshot. She works with Dan to build a life of joy and passion.

Patty Kramer, Student Advocate at Niagara County Community College

“Dan is a fantastic coach! He is passionate about helping people design lives of satisfaction and joy so their hopes and dreams become their reality. Dan is a great listener who creatively customizes his sessions for each client, ensuring positive momentum and real results. He understands people and effective process – that combination has helped me get clear about what I want and how to get there.”

Logo for TDPR, a company who hired Dan for consulting to create a business development strategy and said it was like adding a new team member.

Tom Dee, Owner of TDPR

“Hiring Dan is truly like adding a new member to the team. He’s someone who genuinely cares about the success of my business and takes pride in seeing TDPR take the next steps. Dan has extensive knowledge of how businesses operate and is able to share that knowledge to help make the best informed decisions. He is very organized and detailed orientated which is incredibly valuable for my company looking for that structure.”

Headshot of Calvin Leung, a banking professional who worked with Dan to find a new job after losing his.

Calvin Leung, Commercial Operations Product Support at Citizens Bank

“Dan’s a great listener and will keep you accountable on the things you set for yourself. Most valuable was figuring out what my strengths and interests were, which helped me talk about myself during interviews. Creating a healthy new habit helped me explain how I’m overcoming my own weaknesses. The weekly check-ins helped keep me on track and stay accountable.”